Our activities are focused on accounting, taxation, wages administration:

▪ accounting services (keeping of accounts)
▪ processing tax records (for individuals)
▪ processing payroll
▪ processing tax returns and other related services

We provide above mentioned complete accounting services to Czech small and medium sized businesses (legal entities "s.r.o." especially) and foreign company branches established in CR operating their business activities in Czech market, self-employed individuals as well.

Our offered services are largely concentrated in the area of and around Prague, on clients based in Prague and Central Bohemia.

We process accounting, tax records and other related requested services in our office. We use for bookkeeping a professional accounting software Premier System which offers well-arranged and comprehensible outputs and printed reports can be exported to various formats included foreign-language version. The standard regular outputs and results from accounting are handed over to the client by e-mail or printed version in agreed periodicity. We prefer to use electronic forms of work and communication between us and clients or authorities.

The objective and vision of our work is to offer skilled and quality services to help clients not only to fulfil statutory accounting and tax obligations but also in giving relevant important outputs and information necessary to make business decisions, financial planning and organizational operations.

The company is insured against demage in providing professional services.